Introducing Amazon Pharmacy

Understanding the benefits of switching to a simpler pharmacy

The Approach

Launching a new service required a primary marketing experience to inform prospective customers about the new offering. Before engaging with signup, the page needed to introduce a new era of a health forward brand, set the right expectations of the service, and reach the right people through the lenses of its parent brand. I led this front-door experience and pioneered the architecture of the page with Amazon's internal development tools.

Project Highlights
  • Making an adaptable page among the Amazon domain
  • Templatizing a workflow with a functioning back-end
  • Working with internal Amazon tools
I worked on


  • Visual Design
  • Art Direction
  • Content Strategy


  • Customer Insights
  • Prototyping


  • Front-end
  • Development

Leveraging an existing Amazon experience to introduce a pharmacy experience with price options and convenient delivery. Prospective customers can start building their secure Pharmacy Profile and switch to a simpler pharmacy.

Looking outwards

Among a sea of landing pages that lived on Amazon, the pharmacy experience was new and different from any other Amazon offering. I saw an opportunity to look at the space within healthcare, analogous examples, and other competitors, in order to create our own voice as a health partner. We wanted to emulate a presence of providing the same kind of bedside manner as your doctor. From there, the messaging of how we’re different and what we offer started to form.

I don’t like the idea of ‘shopping’ medication. They seem separate. I shop for clothes. Medication is just something that I need.

Potential Prospective

Making it clear

Referencing questionnaires and input from potential users of different backgrounds, we aimed to break any assumptions regarding the shopping experience, and in turn emphasize the convenience and importance of the delivery experience.

Crafting the results

After tested designs and rounds of considered content with the right approvals, I crafted detailed and comprehensive redlines for the entire landing page experience, its subpages, and the help pages. Working through first-time tracked web endeavors, I worked closely with Amazon engineers to adapt our work into internal Amazon content management systems.

Coming Together

Mobile-first approach

Using clear imagery and straightforward messaging, the intent of the page was to help people get started through Amazon’s highest traffic—mobile devices. I simplified the complex offering by relying on familiar Amazon navigation with the Amazon Pharmacy branding.


Designed at: Amazon Pharmacy
Creative Direction: Jessica Im, Lauren Kim
Content Strategy: Ali Burke
Product Manager: Jen Monteleone
Designer: Rachel Sandler
Marketing Direction: Colin Raney

Consumer Insights: Lexi Borbistina
Videography: Josh Foisey
Product Designer: Ben Grove

All data portrayed in these mocks are fictitious.